Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Puisi keren
Aku sedih dengan keadaan saat ini ingin pergi mencari kebahagiaan
ntah mengapa dy terasa menjauh
campahkan aku bgitu saja inikah balsan yang kau berikan kepadaku
setelah aku ber cintaku yang tulus untukmu

inikah waktunya untuk kau lupakanku
setelah aku selalu mengharapkanmu
beri aku kebahagiaan seperti dulu
lindungi aku dengan pancaran cintamu
jaga hatiku dengan kasih sayangmu
hingga akhir waktuku tinggalaknmu
aku rindu saat pertama jalan denganmu
kamu peluk aku dengan kehangatanmu
kau jaga diriku dengan segala yang kau punya

lama sudah lukisan-lukisan cnta, tag tergores lagi di kanvas ini.
Dengan tutur kata yang lembut dan syair-syair nyanyian hati.
Manakala semua akan brubah sesuai keinginan hati.
Pasti aku akn brsyukur hanya pada_Mu Ya Robbi.
Dengan datangnya beribu perhatian ini.
Berubahlah sudah kanvas hitam pekat ini menjdi putih brkilau.
Harapan-harapan yang selalu dinanti.
Telah tibalah sudah, dengan membwa berjuta-juta kasih sayank dan cinta
di hati



Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

puisi romantis

Keindahan hanya di mata

kesombongan hanya ada di dalam diri

keimanan ada di dalam sanubari

Cinta, kasih dan sayang ada di hati

Begitu berat beban yang ditanggung oleh HATI

Maka setiap kita terluka, hanya HATIlah yang sulit tuk diobati,

dengan hanya HATi yang lainlah obat itu ada....
Bukan laut namanya jika airnya tidak berombak, bukan cinta namanya jika perasaan tidak pernah terluka.

Bukan kekasih namanya jika hatinya tidak pernah merasa rindu dan cemburu

Cinta bukanlah dari kata-kata tetapi dari segumpal keinginan diberi pada hati yang memerlukan.

Tangisan juga bukanlah pengobat cinta karena ia tidak mengerti perjalanan hati nurani....

kau datang dengan sempurna membuatku melupakan semuanya,
senyummu membuatku gugup dan tak bergerak
tutur sapa mu yang selalu membuatku rindu
aku tak mengerti apakah ini yang di namakan cinta,,,,,,,,

betapa indahnya waktu kita bersama
kita saling berbagi cerita cinta
bahkan suka duka kita alami berdua

teringat saat ke peluk tubuhmu
ku belai rambutmu
ku kecup keningmu

kini kemesraan itu tinggalang sebuah kenangan yang mungkin pahit rasanya tuk ku kenang
setelah kau pergi tinggalkan cinta kita hanya demi dya

mungkin aku tak sempurna dari dya
tapi aku punya cinta
mungkin aku tak lebih kaya dari dya
karna memang aku keluarga sederhana

kini kau bahagia bersama dya
dan baru ku sadari ternyata kau PENGHIANAT CINTA

mutiara cinta

Kata Mutiara Cinta - Kata mutiara Cinta terindah yang kita berikan untuk seorang kekasih yang kita sayangi seperti pacar atau kekasih. ibu, ayah, adik, kakak dll. Kata-kata mutiara cinta atau love ini memiliki arti yang beragam mulai dari sedih, romantis, dan senang. Untuk itu bagi anda yang mencari ungkapan perasaan yang di tulis menjadi kata-kata mutiara cinta bisa anda temukan di blog Kucheng Group ini. Kata Romantis ini akan membuat siapa saja yang membacanya akan menjadi luluh dan tambah sayang sama anda bila anda mempunyai seorang pacar.

Kata-kata mutiara cinta akan menjadi topik paling HOT Minggu ini. Kata kata mutiara cinta - Kata mutiara cinta ini aku persembahkan untuk kekasih ku tercinta. Kata kata mutiara ini adalah proses pemahaman terhadap anugrah terindah yang bernama CINTA. Seperti apakah ungkapan perasaan cinta atau kata mutiara cinta yang membuat orang luluh? Kata kata mutiara cinta sangat perlu diperhatikan untuk menjaga komunikasi yang romantis antar kekasih. Bagi anda yang lagi kasmaran kata kata mutiara cinta ini sangat cocok sebagai alternatif selain anda membuat puisi jatuh cinta sobat juga mengungkap kata kata mutiara contoh kata kata indah atau kata kata lucu sehingga sobat bijak untuk merespon...

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

speech terjemah

STATE tantamount country without a hero without pride. If a country does not have a figure to be proud of, the country's poor self-esteem. It can even become a nation of petty. Therefore, every country should have a character called heroes.Heroes is important because it gives inspiration. Inspiration to always improve the condition of the country. The inspiration for this nation continues to rise. And, these people really have very many people that inspire it.The issue is, are we able to 'take' inspiration and then constantly having to fix the nation's spirit?Therefore, as Heroes' Day commemorates the day when it is appropriate to re-evaluate our understanding of the meaning of hero. If not, it will only be a ceremony devoid of meaning, do not make any changes to the state. Countries such as walking toward the left edge.Every generation does have problems and challenges. First, the main enemy of this nation are colonizers. Heroism to repel invaders and to defend freedom becomes scream that never stops voiced.Now, who is worthy of being an enemy of this nation? Our great enemy none other than the corruption, poverty, backwardness, and ignorance. That's a number of major issues facing this country today.Corruption is like a chronic disease that is difficult to cure. People are vying to dredge the state money. And, it occurs at all levels that spread both at central and regional levels. Almost at all levels, whether judicial, legislative, or executive, chronic disease of corruption.The number of poor people also seemed inexhaustible. In fact, the construction continued. Certainly there is something wrong or is wrong in our development process. One of the planning and implementation level. For still very many who think that the state property may be taken arbitrarily.Now the nation is also experiencing very serious problems, namely self-distrust. A nation without confidence is not likely to produce superior products. Excellence can only be achieved if we have the pride of the nation and his own country.With this inferiority of us will be difficult to compete in the global era. Because of globalization demands excellence. Without excellence, we will only be a spectator who could shout, but could not decide anything.That is the meaning of new heroism that must be built continuously. We do not want to service the heroes and values luhurnya exist only in memory, but forgotten in the action.

Hope delivered three ministries Widodo AS is very reasonable. Community asked to contribute and support the disclosure of terrorist acts in Poso.Community participation is very important since the creation of safety and security of not only the responsibility of the security forces. We all have the same responsibility to create a situation of a society that peace and security.Especially for Poso, deserves attention because it provided more suspected criminals and terror in the midst of society. They become part of society and every time you can take action, which not only creates pain for those who become victims, but stirring up animosity.Conflicts, disputes, and conflicts between groups in society often cause liver pain. Why? Because we are one nation. Basically we are brothers. Since October 28, 1928, we agreed to take off "kekamian" between us and replace them become "kekitaan" regardless of our origins go back, take off all our primordial sense.Today, on 10 November, when we celebrate Heroes Day to commemorate the Founding struggle in defending the existence of Indonesia, the taste was deepened. We are given the blessings of independence was not grateful. We actually hate each other, mutual suspicion, hostile to each other, and are more concerned about hurting each other.Strangely enough, those suspected of acts of crime and terror against fellow citizens and protected. In fact, access for the security forces to uncover the truth, explaining his seat case, then just as close.Here we would expect disclosure of all parties to not justify violence. As far as possible we should avoid them because it only hurt ourselves as a nation.When a person is convicted of acts of violence, punish the need to talk. Law enforcement officials should not hesitate to act firmly enforce the rules. For the sake of upholding the authority of law, required to create public order, there can be no compromise on the rules.This is where our three ministries plea exact value. Communities that had been considered to protect those who violate the law must come to help by submitting them to the authorities. Let then the processing of law enforcement officers in accordance with the rules and regulations.In Poso problem we are reminded that handling is not easy. Proverbial we are asked to hold the eggs. If it is too hard to hold it, the egg will break, but if too loose will also be broken because it will detach from the hand. We have to handle it appropriately. And who should be our concern with this problem should not make us as a nation have become fragmented. Pity the heroes and those who expect the future.

Rabu, 10 November 2010

ia technology



Nowadays the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially internet in the education sector plays an important role, especially in the process of empowering the technology into the educational activities. Education sector can be the most effective sector to anticipate and eliminate the negative impact of ICT. Technology (internet) in another side can be the most effective way to increase the student’s knowledge.
Being aware of the significant role of ICT (internet) in our life, especially in the educational activities, education authorities should be wise enough in implementing the strategies to empower ICT in supporting the teaching and learning process in the classroom. ICT is not just the bloom of the educational activities, but also it will be the secondary option to improve the effective and meaningful educational process.
The main purpose of the Strategy for Information and Communication Technology Implementation in Education is to provide the prospects and trends of integrating information and communication technology (ICT) into the general educational activities.
There are some unavoidable facts in the modern education; First, the ICT has been developing very rapidly nowadays. Therefore, in order to balance it, the whole educational system should be reformed and ICT should be integrated into educational activities.
Second, the influence of ICT, especially internet (open source tool) cannot be ignored in our student’s lives. So, the learning activities should be reoriented and reformulated, from the manual source centered to the open source ones. In this case the widely use of internet access has been an unavoidable policy that should be anticipated by schools authorities.
Third, the presence of multimedia games and online games by internet has been another serious problem that should be wisely handled by the educational institutions. The students cannot be exterminated from this case. They can have and do with it wherever and whenever they want. Schools, as a matter of fact, do not have enough power and time to prevent or stop it after school times. Meanwhile, most parents do not have enough times to accompany and control their children. So, the students have large opportunities to do with multimedia games or online games or browsing the negative and porn sites. Having been addicted, the students will have too little time to study, and even do not want to attend classes.
In such situation, education institutions play an important role to eradicate these problems. One of which is by facilitating the students to do edutainment or educational games. Schools can let their students be familiar with educational games adjusted by their teachers. Besides, they can also support and facilitate their students to have their own blogs in the internet. A lot of WebBlog providers are free to the users, such as WordPress. In their blogs, the students can create and write something, like an article, poem, news, short stories, features, or they can also express their opinion by an online forum provided in the internet. They are able to share experiences throughout their blogs to others from all over the world. I think it will be an interesting activity for them, and it will lessen their time to visit the negative or porn sites existed.
By doing so, I think our young generation will get more and more information and knowledge by browsing in the internet. They can also create innovation in web design that it may be out of the formal curriculum content, but it will be useful for their future.
Fourth, the implementation of ICT in education has not been a priority trend of educational reform and the state paid little attention to it. Therefore, there should be an active participation, initiative and good will of the schools and the government institutions to enhance ICT implementation at school.
Fifth, the teachers should be the main motivator and initiator of the ICT implementation at schools. The teachers should be aware of the social change in their teaching activities. They should be the agent of change from the classical method into the modern one. They must also be the part of the global change in learning and teaching modification.
The followings are the aim and objectives of ICT implementation in education:
1. To implement the principle of life-long learning / education.
2. to increase a variety of educational services and medium / method.
3. to promote equal opportunities to obtain education and information.
4. to develop a system of collecting and disseminating educational information.
5. to promote technology literacy of all citizens, especially for students.
6. to develop distance education with national contents.
7. to promote the culture of learning at school (development of learning skills, expansion of optional education, open source of education, etc.)
8. to support schools in sharing experience and information with others.